reduce inflation

美 [rɪˈduːs ɪnˈfleɪʃn]英 [rɪˈdjuːs ɪnˈfleɪʃn]
  • 减少通货膨胀
reduce inflationreduce inflation
  1. They believed that controlling the money supply would reduce inflation .


  2. The government believes that its austerity programme will reduce inflation but people are angry at the loss of jobs and services .


  3. The government is looking to reduce inflation .


  4. On balance , these effects slow economic growth and reduce inflation pressures .


  5. The government tightened its monetary policy to reduce inflation .


  6. The government will is looking to reduce inflation by a further two per cent this year .


  7. More muted growth overseas would also reduce inflation pressures from raw materials costs , he said .


  8. In economic terns the need to reduce inflation is unanswerable .


  9. In theory , a more expensive yuan will cut the cost of imports , thus help reduce inflation .


  10. Given the unpopularity of inflation , why don 't elected leaders always support efforts to reduce inflation ?


  11. To reduce inflation , several intermediate targets can be used , they are : exchange rate , interest rate , monetary aggregate and inflation rate .


  12. Wage indexation has slowed the adjustment of real wages to changes in the terms of trade and has made it harder to reduce inflation .


  13. One of the essential arguments in monetary economics is that a constrictive monetary policy can certainly reduce inflation and an expansionary one must induce deflation .


  14. Because trade liberalization may increase inflation uncertainty , and may also reduce inflation uncertainty , therefore , qualitative analysis does not give the specific relationship between trade openness and inflation uncertainty .


  15. In addition , the use of fiscal policy to cause a sharp reduction in demand is somewhat controversial because it tends not only to reduce inflation but also to increase unemployment .


  16. Keynes - the progenitor of both monetary and fiscal reflation as antidotes to debt deflation - would be smiling . The government tightened its monetary policy to reduce inflation .


  17. The result says that the lager the ratio of state-owned sectors to the whole economy , the higher the inflation rate ; fiscal decentralization is helpful to hard the budget constraints of state-owned sectors and reduce inflation rate .


  18. The difference between a crisis of deflation and a crisis of inflation is this : governments that need to reduce inflation have to do nasty things ; governments that want to end deflation have to do nice things .


  19. Some governments and central banks in the region are in any case slowing growth by trying to reduce high inflation and current account deficits .


  20. A faster pace of currency appreciation offers a more powerful weapon : it will help to reduce imported inflation , especially of food and raw materials .


  21. First , the lower prices help reduce the inflation rate , which means governments have more flexibility to cut interest rates or take other steps to stimulate the economy .


  22. At the same time , policymakers began trying to reduce runaway inflation , creating scope in the long term for a gradual reduction in interest rates .


  23. Thus , contrary to the popular perception displayed in the quotes above , China 's repricing of its currency alone will not reduce price inflation .


  24. Through empirical analysis between six IT countries and three non-IT countries , we can found that the IT countries can reduce their inflation rate and escape volatility of interest rates and output gap the effectively .


  25. However , in the long run , only through adjusting economic structure , transiting increase mode , and with proper fiscal and finance policies , can we reduce the inflation risk to the lowest extent , and ensure a sound and rapid economic growth .


  26. A raft of new regulations , many aimed at foreign investors , are designed to ease pressure on the renminbi and reduce commercial property inflation that is running at twice the pace of China 's double-digit economic growth rate .


  27. Moreover , control money supply growth and to maintain appropriate growth of the economy also helped reduce the level of inflation .


  28. A system of economic regulation : wages and interest are tied to the cost-of-living index in order to reduce the effects of inflation .


  29. The measured appreciation of the Rmb , which is likely to rise 5-10 per cent annually over the next three years , should also reduce the risk of inflation , analysts say .


  30. He nearly spoilt it all by adding the absurd ritualistic clause that this was to reduce the risk of inflation falling below target in the medium term .
